Our Partnerships
Partnerships are vital to our success at FESTI. We have partnered with several outstanding companies and organizations whose visions are aligned with ours. The support of a partnership leverages the strengths that each group brings, and, in our case, that transfers to an excellent course delivered at an ideal location by outstanding instructors. We are stronger together!

Annex Business Media
Since 2012, FESTI has worked with Annex Business Media to provide a free firefighter training day each year to over one hundred firefighters each year. FESTI instructors provide current education and hands on training to attending firefighters. On each annual training day, FESTI presents aircraft rescue firefighting, auto extrication, structural firefighting and medical training. As a partner, Annex uses its outreach through Fire Fighting in Canada, Canadian Firefighter and Firehall.com to promote this fantastic training event.
Canadian Firefighter
Canadian Firefighter is written by firefighters for firefighters – homegrown experts in extrication, training, public education, social media, fitness, health and wellness, and day-to-day firehall operations. More importantly – in an era of evolving technology and social change – our writers help firefighters and fire officers adapt to trends and foresee opportunities. Great stories, solid advice and informed opinions are the foundation on which Canadian Firefighter is built. Published four times a year and online weekly.
Canadian Firefighting Services
FESTI works with CFS to market FESTI’s capabilities and courses to clients located in the Middle East. CFS disseminates a monthly e-blast from FESTI to clients all around the globe.
Ontario Association of Emergency Managers [OAEM]
Established in 2001, OAEM is Canada’s largest volunteer, not-for-profit emergency management and business continuity member association. Our community is comprised of Ontario’s diverse, multi-sector public, private, non-government and Indigenous professional and student members.
Fire Fighting in Canada
Fire Fighting in Canada is the number one print and online resource for fire services from coast to coast to coast. Published eight times a year, Fire Fighting in Canada focuses on training, leadership and coverage of industry issues and events to help fire service personnel stay current, engaged and informed. With a 60-plus-year history of educating firefighters and fire officers in municipal, industrial, military and airport fire departments, Fire Fighting in Canada aims to share best practices, news and analysis of the trends and stories that matter.
Firehall.com is Canada’s fire service forum. Fire Service members from across Canada log in daily to communicate and collaborate.
The Canadian Branch of the Institution of Fire Engineers supports FESTI by accrediting the majority of courses. This third party validation allows FESTI to place an IFE seal upon accredited course certificates so that students know they have successfully completed a course that met national standards.
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