ARFF Recertification 2 Days
Currently employed as an Airport Firefighter.
What we offer
The Canadian Aviation Regulations 323.14 (4) Recurrent Training states that recurrent training shall be provided to enable each firefighter to maintain the level of proficiency established in this standard. This course is designed to meet and exceed these requirements giving each student an opportunity to participate in ground operations using hand lines as well as completing a recertification scenario that challenges the abilities of the driver operator.
Except for subparagraph 323.14(2) (a) (xi) respecting live-fire training, every firefighter must complete training in each element of the standards listed in section 323.14 at least once every three years.
Course duration
2 days (lunch included)
Course hours
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Payment must be made when registering for courses. We reserve the right to cancel seven days prior to any course in which the minimum registration is not achieved.
Please contact the Registrar for Hotel Booking information at 416-776-2376.
Firefighting bunker gear is available for lease at $50.00 tax included per day. If not leasing, students must bring their own gear. A practical outdoor exercise will be performed as part of this course. Please dress according to weather.
French instruction
Our bilingual instructors are able to provide instruction in French for this program.
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